Our Story

Hi! My name is Claudia. Robbie, Nancy and I are the founders of Sidekick Concierge. If you’re reading this page, you’re probably curious about us, the people behind this whole venture. Are we trustworthy? Capable? Understanding? Do we know what the heck we’re doing? The short answer is yes (more details to follow). 

So, here’s our story...

Robbie, Nancy and I are about that age when conversations with our friends have transitioned from talking a lot about our kids (and our dogs, great shows to stream and favorite dark chocolate) to talking a lot about our kids and our parents. We’ve arrived at that age when our parents, even though they are independent and active, could use a little help now and then. And honestly, we could really use some help too. 

It quickly became apparent that the right kind of help and the right people to deliver that kind of help were just too hard to come by.

Like you, we had a lot of questions about how this would all work when we first got started. We spent a lot of time (like so much time!) talking to seniors, adult children, industry professionals and our own friends and family members. Delivering outstanding, meaningful service required relentless research, listening, planning, preparation, testing, tweaking and debate. Doing right by our clients, our Sidekicks and ourselves was our top priority. 

Although the process took considerable time, it was worth the effort. Ultimately, we knew we were ready for business when we could confidently answer “yes” to the most critical question of all: Can I trust Sidekick Concierge to help my mom?

Welcome to Sidekick Concierge. We’re by your side and at your service. Call us anytime. It will probably be me (or Robbie or Nancy) who answers the phone. We’re excited for you to meet us and join our community.

Be Independent. Stay Connected. Live Fully.